"I'm about to Supersede Your Expectations!" 10:31 pm 12.3.22

The Word of the Lord! "I'm about to Supersede Your Expectations!" 10:31 pm 12.3.22 "I'm about to Supersede your Expectations, Declares the Lord. I have waited for this time to release My Goodness to you! For this is the hour that My Hand shall move and you will dance with a Joy that you haven't had in a very long time. You have trusted Me in spite of the difficulties and what the enemy had plotted against you! You have given Me the Glory for the manifestations of those things hoped for and not yet seen! I say, You have now arrived to the time of impact! All things Promised and those things you have waited upon, will find you and collide with your tears, bringing sudden Joy and Celebration, where there was heartache and fear - A Hope to encourage and lift you up! For I have so much more of My Blessings to come! You will be lifted up and given a New Focus in Me! You will look upon My Faithfulness toward you in way that you have not done before. I ...