
Showing posts with the label Brett Watson Ministries Blog Purpose Destiny Christian Encouragement Perception Jesus TV 2014 Dream

The Timing of God's Promises - Rest in Your Hands!

Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s 5:30 A.M. today, Friday –April 25, 2014 as I write this. I just woke up experiencing God’s Divine Glory all around me! The “Majestic Presence of the King” consumes my very being even now as I write and God said, “Brett You have passed the Test, it’s time to “Experience My Promises” and the next phase of Your Destiny!”  Hallelujah!! See what many of you don’t know is, I have been going through a Long Season of “Testing and Suffering.”  Those around me speaking words that were not the kindest, people from a distance questioning and judging, yet they didn’t realize it was God that put me through this past season of testing – to which I couldn’t deter it if I wanted too (Don’t worry – when my book “Wait!” comes out soon – You’ll be able to read all about it). It was “God’s Will” for me to learn, receive wisdom and endure (though extremely painful) so that I would have a change of heart and compassion for others even more so than ever before. It wa...

Don't Let Them Take Your God-Given Dream!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am going to open my heart here and share as I have from time to time. My heart is pure in sharing this and the experiences I share are fact. I have received healing from the Lord concerning them - Yet it is important to share, so that you are aware in moving into your "Jeremiah 29:11 - Destiny!" Please understand that this is to help you be the "Best You can be for Christ and to strive in Excellence," no matter what comes your way and how people treat you, as well as, who to attach yourself to and who to run away from! In all I do – I try to encourage you and help you to experience “Your God Given Destiny!” Many of you have not experienced the ministry God has given to me. My “Global Assignment” is to: “Promote a Powerful Message of Purpose for a People of Promise – While Saving the Lost and Demonstrating the “Power of God in Manifestation” Wherever I Go!” I have been faithful to do that – Even when others have not been f...