"Creating an Ishmael"

Ladies and gentlemen, Today I have a heavy heart as I write this and pray I will help to bring understanding and correction to those who are “Out of Order” in their thinking processes. As an “Apostolic Ambassador” it is my “Biblical Assignment” to help instruct and to not do so would bring judgment against myself from Father God. When God lays something as He has today upon my heart so strong, I must release it. I love you and come to you today to assist you and get you back on track. The following blog is not long but to the point. For some it might come across a little stern - but this is to be direct and to the point so that understanding and correction can replace a commonly used "God Stamp of Approval" when God did not have anything to do with it. I ask the Lord now to open your eyes to see and receive what is being said. I am a Pastor’s Son for 43 years and an International Christian Speaker for the last 24 years. I have watched time and again how...