I Move Swiftly and Furiously!"
The following Word was given to me on Thursday June 23rd, 2022 at 5:35 PM just before the Friday 6/24/22 when Roe Vs Wade was Overturned!
I released this Word on Sunday July 3rd at Emerge Life Church, and then released again Nationally and Internationally via TV/Stream and Satelite on: "Voice of Destiny" on July 4th, 2022.
You can also rewatch this Broadcast on: www.youtube.com/DrBrettWatson (Please Like and Subscribe).
YouTube Direct Link: https://youtu.be/OfG4yWhYUWI
Word of the Lord
5:35 PM 6/23/2022
"Are you ready My People - I'm moving for You Now!!
I shall come in and move swiftly and furiously for My Faithful Ones in the Highest Degree, for the season is Now and I bring forth My Glory just for thee!
I shift and rearrange all things to bring forth the open heavens for My own Now, but the worse will be for your enemies, as I destroy their golden cows!
The times where you pressed and pressed and stood against opposition even when it seemed as if the heavens were brass, shall now open before you and will rain down Showers of My Blessings once again, for the time is here at last.
Oh my People, the time of My Promises you will see and not too far now shall I release them unto thee. The Greatness of My hand moves swiftly!
My Glory, My Power My Hand shall move and break asunder, those things the enemy has used to plunder.
Oh no I say, this is now the New Day!
No more of the enemies way, But Mine, Mine, Mine Again I reiterate - For I have come to release My people and destroy, wipe out and obiliterate!
The Fall is now here for the enemy and his pawns you shall see, they have laughed scoffed and shaken there fists at Me, but now I say they will see God Jehovah's Hand, and shall tremble in fear, for I will take from them and give My People the new lands that are near.
Oh yes, they will be stripped of all and shall be found wanting. They will look around and shall shake their heads as, what they had and arrogantly paraded around, shall see My people they do not even know, have the possessions of wealth and all of them shall be bound.
For it now, it is time the season has shifted and the beginning of the abundant release has now begun! Oh rejoice My People, for now you will experience so much fun!
I Am opening My hand of My Treasures and Pleasures unto thee, the God of Greatness is Smiling upon thee.
You have wondered, You have waited, You have prayed and still yet stood and Believed - Now you will walk in abundance times three.
One for the Father, One for the Son and One for the Holy Ghost don't you see, all three of us One, yet we all want it for thee!
So We release and multiply for you the Faithful - As You have rejoiced in midst of difficulty in times past - I say the Rain of Abundance is Now here and you will dance and run with rejoicing, as I have released Great Favor from My Hand - Yes, it comes at last!
America, America My Beautiful from sea to shining sea - It is not the end, but just the beginning, oh don't you see!
I have had to crush and squeeze the enemies of this land, to force them out of the dark places, exposing their dark deeds with My Hand!
For the time is here, with the Light of My Glory - And those who hate what I love, and My Beautiful story - They will no longer hate it in the days and weeks to come - But will wish and long for it - though it's too late a date - As they sit in their cells of punishment from their past acts of sin and debauchery!
Oh Yes, the time has now come and all will know it was Me, for only I could bring things to the place they are presently. Like flipping a switch from dark to light don't you see, I will expose it all and everyone will Now see!
Breaking News will hit the media networks at 1, 2 and 3 - 4, 5 and 6, 10, 12 on around the clock don't you see?
They will not be able to hold their peace, for there is none in them for what they say and do is to cause travesty - But I will use their voices to speak what I do and say - There will be no holding back there words for another day!
No they will have to report and speak all that has happened and happening in the Now Moments of the Day, I will quickly and swiftly use them and then wipe them away!
For I Am that I Am and all will know Me as I speak and as I move in these days - I Am the God of Peace, but also the God of War and wrath to those who tempt Me and lift their fingers against My little ones, I clearly say!
Now they will be known, run and have no where to hide or to go, the time has come and all will know - What they have done, what they have said, and what they have planned against My own, Here Me this day- It stops now and I come swiftly to earth from My very Own throne!
I will shift, I will quake and I will blow them away to be seen no more, many will stand in Awe as they Hear Me open My Mouth and Roar!
For they have not seen the Lion Roar as they will now in this day, many have talked and even laughed about what My people display, of the sweet "Lion of the Tribe of Judah," they say, "Oh its a sweet little song that they sing along to make themselves feel better even though there is no such thing, or song!"
But Oh Opposite and contrary to their mocks and theology, at this hour I will Roar Loudly and give My Bride My signet ring!
Its Time that I put things back to the way I've created them to be, Its time I display My power and disrupt the plans of the enemy, don't you see?
Those who have played with the spirit of religion will soon find out quick, My Kingdom has nothing to do with this Spirit and its Jezebellic covenant.
I dethrone her and all powers that be, its Now Time to Rise Up and Take Dominion in Me! The Hour is Here the Power I release is oh so great, The Season and Era of New is here, come to My Table and don't be late.
The celebration is here, I've planned and prepared it for such a time as this, oh My people you have no idea the shift!
What I do now will take you by storm, it will be amazing and Oh so fabulous - For the New has been born - I do a New thing Now and you will experience the greatest of all, as I release My New and Multiplication, My People will rise and stand tall!
Those who were last shall now be found first, those who were talked about and scoffed in past seasons and hurt, as they looked down upon them and laughed, I will raise them up now from the past, it is the quick season and will be Fast!
All will change now and be rearranged so quickly you will not know how to act, I am manifesting My Greatness to My Own, Though the world will see famine and shortage, I say, this is the hour of No Lack!
The Transfer is here, the release is Now don't You see, you will shout and run and give Me all Gloryyyyy!
I love you, I love you oh don't you see? I have Great plans for you and I move expediently!
So watch now, the rest of June, into July and August too, oh I laugh in Glee for all the Great things that I have in store for you!
For It Has Begun and I am Ready to Run with you, Dont you see? Let's Go, says Your King - I Love You My Bride, I Celebrate You and Bring Forth My Glory for the time of refreshing!
Its a Time of Great Triumph, You shall Now rise Up with Me!"
Says the Lord of Hosts
(6:19 PM End 6/23/2022)
Dr. Brett Watson
Intl. Conference Speaker/Pastor/CEO/TV Host
Voice of Destiny
Emerge Life Church
Brett Watson Ministries, Inc
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