The Season of Spiritual Power, Authority and Divine Government!

9:12 I have seen this while traveling, over and over again for the last several months. I decided to take a picture today of the clock exactly when I saw it! For some, they would ask, "What is the significance of 9 and 12? Why would this even matter Brett?" Let me explain it prophetically and share the definition with you. Receive what the Spirit is saying here and get ready for your promises: TO MANIFEST IN YOUR "NEW NOW" SEASON!! The number NINE means: The number of Gestation, Reproduction, and Matured Development. IN OTHER WORDS, COMPLETION! The number TWELVE means: (A) The Number of Divine Government and Apostolic Rule! (B) The number Twelve represents the epitome of consummate Divine and Human Rulership under Creator GOD. (C) Twelve is the number of God's covenanted ones in POWER and AUTHORITY ! (D) WHERE AS TWELVE IS THE NUMBER OF NATURAL CREATURES HOLDING SPIRITUAL POWER AND its GOVERNMENT IN THEIR HANDS! THAT IS: S...