Steam Can Power A Locomotive!

To All My "True" Friends, Family and Supporters, Thank you for your Love and prayers! Thank you for your continued support for BWM's multifaceted International Ministry and Media Ministries! I want to share the following Quote! I want to say, "Thank You to my Mom and Dad for my "Early" Birthday gift." Here is the Quote that I am adopting for the "New Season of My Life!" From the book: "Simple Truths" - "At 211 Degrees, Water is Hot. At 212 Degrees, it Boils - And with "Boiling Water," it becomes steam; And Steam Can Power a Locomotive!" Never look back and don't let anyone hold you back - I don't care who they are! This is the season to achieve Your "Hopes and Dreams" and accomplish Your Destiny! God has said, Yes - Don't You Dare say No!" I promise you I will continue sharing: "The message of Hope and Destiny to a People of Promise and Purpose!...