Divine Purpose

Ladies and Gentlemen, Do You Want the Supernatural To Work through Your Life and Ministry? How Hungry Are You for "The Power of the Holy Spirit" to Operate through you? It takes spending time with Him and if You will spend time with Him and get to know Him personally, You will experience the "Supernatural Works of Jesus in Your life!" This "Resurrection Weekend" - I challenge you to Watch the following video and let it energize You to go where You have never gone before in Him! The same Power that Raised Jesus from the dead is waiting to flow through you, as well. In this video, you will be able to experience the "Raw Supernatural Power of God and Manifestations" from different "Encounter Services" held across the nation. The Moment is Now - Our "Divine Purpose" is fulfilling the "Will" of the Father in "Power and Demonstration!" This is a "New DAY" for YOUR "...