"I'm Breaking My People Free!" 10.16.22 12:18 AM
Word of The Lord!
"I'm Breaking My People Free!" 10.16.22 12:18 AM
"For I Am coming Now to Break My People Free! I have seen the bondage and the chains, I have seen the enemy's devices and the oppressed state of mind that My Own People have been in. I say, Enough! For I Am Breaking My People Free! This is the Hour of Great Deliverance and Breakthrough! This is the hour I will bring forth My Way and My Agenda!
The entrapment, devices and enslavement of your minds and emotional states have been causing you to miss the mark and focus on those things the enemy would use to distract you. I say, look to Me once again! Do not allow those things the enemy has used in days gone by, to again distract and detour your vision.
Misdirection is the assignment of the enemy. From misdirection, comes clouded vision and then comes the fear of what's ahead by the worry caused by the misdirection and misguided steps. The plan of the opposer is to keep you looking away. To cause you to think and rethink as you use your mind to guide you, rather than My Spirit.
Oh don't you see the cunningness of the evil one? His ways are decisive.
Stop moving by your flesh, and Allow Me to synchronize you to My Ways, My Thoughts and My TimeLine! Waiting on Me isn't easy, but it is well Worth the Prize and Rewards I have for those who ate Obedient to di exactly as I say, and Not waver from that path.
Those who have been found Faithful, (though long extended times of Testing) have yet Trusted in Me and been Obedient to the path My Spirit lead them - Rather than those who have gone in their own ways, make something happen by flesh agendas, rather than to Wait on Me!
This has been the ways of many of My Own. My Pastors, Leaders, Prophets have misguided the people because of their arrogance and selfish agendas.
I say, But I Am coming and Breaking My People Free! Woe to those who intentionally caused their flock to miss the leading of My Spirit!
For now is the time I will bring the ears of My Remnant close to Me and they will hear the sound! They will have New Perception to see clearly and awaken to the Things of My Spirit Declares the Lord! Watch Now as I Move quickly!
I Am Advancing You and in the advancement I Am freeing you! You are moving into New Regions, Territories and Spiritual Dimensions!
Prepare your hearts and Get ready for My Move! I Am moving suddenly and you will know the Hand of God has broken you free and moved in your life, families, businesses, Ministries and Personal Situations.
It is a New Era, A New Time and I Am Coming to My People Now! You will know Me in New Ways and I will show forth My Glory!
This is the Time for All Things New! It is the Time for Recompense, Vindication and Restoration!
I Love You, declares the Lord and You will know My Heart towards You in this hour! Watch, I Am Coming! It is Time, Says the Lord of Hosts!"
Dr. Brett Watson
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