The Time of Restoration!

Ladies and Gentlemen , God spoke a Very Powerful Word at Emerge Life - This past Sunday Morning - 8.08.21! I have included the written Word below as He has spoken it! It is a Powerful Word and I encourage you to watch the short video below! If You are in need for God to touch your body, finances, business and family - I pray for you and declare Jesus into every situation of Your lives - then the Word of the Lord Follows. I am So Encouraged By What God is doing! I am in Agreement with You For TOTAL Restoration of ALL THINGS in YOUR LIVES! Dr. Brett Watson YOUTUBE VIDEO: Word of the Lord 8.8.21 - 11 AM Sunday Morning "Again I say watch and see what I do, again I say, for I love you and I am moving on your behalf, Trust Me - Trust Me, Trust in Me - Come to me for My Spirit Woo's and draws you unto Me. I say come to me and rest under My shadow and watch and see what I do in your lives! Watch and see, as I revamp and I restore and I...