New Beginnings Now Emerge!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
At 2 AM Sunday Morning August 29, 2021 - God woke me up and began speaking the word below concerning the month of September. Here is the word in it's entirety and the video link as well to watch, as I released it at Emerge Life Church Sunday Morning.
"The Prophetic Word!" Episode 6 - With Dr. Brett Watson!
"New Beginnings Now Emerge!" 8.29.21 2 AM
For I say, "Think it not strange, as New Beginnings Now Emerge from the 8th month into the birthing and maturity month of 9.
I shall cause everything to turn! You shall see favor on every side. Watch as My Hand shall come down and be placed upon all that you do and I shall cause there to be a swift change of Events, and a quick upward momentum to occur.
The Month of Nine shall surely bring a major shift to all areas of your life. I will cause those things you have held dear and given to me to develop, to now come into maturity and gestation.
The birthing of long awaited dreams, shall now begin. Hope deferred has given way violent faith and holding onto My Promises, though you hadn't seen them come into view yet.
But now, I will cause them to manifest and become Alive in Vivid Color! Those things, hoped for with the evidence unseen, will now birth forth and become Alive! You will see the birthing of Promises you have prayed and sought My face for.
I say, Rejoice for the time has surely come. I Am Moving, says the Lord. Trust My Plan as I release New Strategies and Insight. New direction and the Anointing of Multiplication upon you.
For surely, you have arrived into the season of All Things and You will see the advancement and expedited times as is spoken of in Amos 9:13 - It
will Now happen all around You.
For the days spoken of have come and I will cause Suddenly Advancements to take place. I will cause the Acceleration of seeds sown unto Me, to germinate and give way to the harvests of Breakthroughs in Moments, as I touch them with My Anointing of Acceleration.
Oh, Yes Watch now, as things Shift Quickly, Move and Harvest before your eyes! Its Time for Greatness and Advancement. I have longed for this season as much as You, My Faithful One's!
I give you My Word, I Am Moving and You will see Great Rewards, so that My Kingdom is advanced!
Trust Me and Give Me Praise, For Now is the Time, Declares Your Father of Your accelerated Increase!"
In Awe of Our Glorious Father,
Dr. Brett Watson
Intl. Conference Speaker/Pastor/CEO
Emerge Life Church
Brett Watson Ministries, Inc
Office Number: 954.302.7033
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PO Box 561164
Rockledge, FL 32956
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