"I'm Turning Up the Heat!"

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Prepare Your Hearts Now! As I was getting our music together and in Praise with Marianne and the girls at 10:15 PM on Saturday night July 31st, 2021 - For our service on Sunday morning at Emerge Life - The Spirit of the Lord began to speak over and over again in an overwhelmingly loud voice! 

Here is the "Word of the Lord" transcribed in text and below in the video - "Exactly" as He spoke it to me: 

"For I Am turning up the Heat, says the Lord - Are You Ready? I Am doing what I have Promised I would do! No one will stop Me! I will bring deliverance to the captive and I will loose My Holy Fire throughout America and The World!

Behold I do a NEW thing! Can you not see it? I Am bringing forth manna now to those in the desert places and shall bring forth an Abundance of Rain that will fill the pockets of My People!

For this is The Time, says the Lord, of Great Exploits! Signs, Wonders and Manifestations of My Hand! All will see and know that I Am God, and that I KEEP MY PROMISES!

Watch Now as My Hammer shall fall and bring Major Colossal Damage to the enemy and his imps! I laugh at his plans, says Your God! I Am even now at work! I will cause every weapon that he has planned to be reversed back to his camp and to his evil doers!

I say, Watch Now! The Heat shall be brought up 7 times hotter! I will burn off the dross - I will cause fire to fall and consume suddenly! For Now, I Am showing My Power and those who have warred against Me and My Elect will surely tremble as I bring My Gavel Down!

For My Judgement is set - And they shall surely fall! Watch 3 Months - The Next 3 Months, says the Spirit of the Lord!  I will bring a deafening Resounding Thunder of My Glory down upon the Earth!

It shall be reported, trimmers and earthquakes - A Great Shaking Now shall come and those who are Mine and rest in My Shadow, shall be well.  But for those  who oppose Me and My Will, shall surely tremble and fall.

Many will be removed - For their time is Up!  Enough, Says the Lord!  I Am removing them!  

I will cause a smell and sense of death to those who have shaken their fists in My Face and mocked Me!  Watch - I will not be mocked! Prepare, says the Lord!  Gird yourself up in your warfare attire!  Put on the Full Armor of God and pick up your swords in the Spirit - For Now you will rise with Me, says the Lord into battle!  You will see the Lion of the Tribe of Judah Roar And all will know that I AM God!

Trust and Rest in Me - Follow My Spirit and hold onto My hand, as I lead You through with Great Victory!  Now is the Moment! It is Time!  I Am reversing - Restoring and Releasing Vengeance to those against Me - But Great Rewards, Recompense and Vindication to My Own!

You have held on - You have stood in Faith and I will reward you and release Great Blessings to you when the world and evil ones are in famine! I take care of My Own! Trust Me Now!

Prepare and Get Ready! Open Your Hearts and Praise Me For Great is Your Reward, Says the Lord of Hosts!"

Dr. Brett Watson

Brett Watson Ministries, Inc.


To Give into this Word - GO TO: www.BrettWatson.tv  &  www.Paypal.Me/BWMINC

Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/eAxY6MDnCLc


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