
Showing posts with the label Brett Watson Ministries Blog Purpose Destiny Christian Encouragement Perception Jesus TV Entertainment

Thought From My Heart

Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me interject this: "Thought from My Heart!" My posts of "Encouragement" are not taken from a book or seminar that I have attended, but from "Life Experiences" that I too have gone through or am currently experiencing!  I have honestly had a very difficult life, contrary to what most might think. I have always been the under dog that had to work harder for everything I wanted to accomplish.  It was Never just given to me. The moments where I saw the "Favor of God" cover and  impact my "Life Situations" have been countless - to many to even take the time to mention at this moment. But every time, I have been amazed and humbled to experience "God's Divine Favor and Grace" on my Life (which at times I didn't deserve)! So without taking a lot of time with this post, please know most times, the very words I speak to you are the very words "I Need to Hear (Read)" to "Encourage Myself&

Promotion Comes From God Alone!

Ladies and Gentlemen, People from around the USA, as well as, Internationally as I travel, have asked me the same question over and over again: "Brett, what did you do to be on TV, have the connections you have and experience the "Power of God" like you do?" I tell them the same answer over and over again: "Yield to the Holy Spirit, submit yourself to God, and never stop pursuing Your God Given Dreams! As you do YOUR PART, GOD DOES HIS PART!" "It's NOT SELLING YOURSELF, or Trying to be the Next BIG "Holywood Star" - It's being Faithful with what God has intrusted to you. Then God promotes who, He wills." "God has Amazing Thoughts toward you - thoughts of Good and Not for evil, a Hope and a Future." ~Jeremiah 29:11 Blessings Always, Brett Watson

God Qualifies the Unqualified!

Happy Sunday Friends! As humans we many times question our abilities when serving, But remember this nugget of wisdom: God never asks for you to be "Qualified" - Infact, He calls the "Unqualified" and then Qualifies you! Men qualify the trained and educated, but God just asks for you to say, "Yes Master" - Then He gives You "On the Job Training" - Qualifies and Validates You! You are His "Chosen" - Move forward into Your Destiny. Be Encouraged! :) Brett Watson

You Are A Diamond!

Ladies and Gentlemen, There's a Diamond in all of us! Though there are Trials, Circumstances, Opposition and Life Experiences; You will Succeed! Never Quit. A "TRUE CHAMPION" doesn't give up! Once knocked down (He or She), gets back up again, shakes off the dust - head up - back straight, deep breath and pursues Destiny and Purpose! What you have gained from "Life Experience" is the Wisdom needed for your "NOW" Moment, moving forward! You will Succeed! You will accomplish your goals; And YOU WILL SEE YOUR DESTINY FULFILLED! You Aren't A quitter - You are A Champion! Act Like it and let nothing hold you back from this moment forward! I Believe in you - More so, God Believes in you - Now YOU Believe in YOU AGAIN! Be Encouraged - Brett Watson

"Don't Walk - Dance!"

*Before I begin, I must tell you this Blog is a thought provoking one.   It is not intended to offend anyone, but cause you to think about your life, how you speak  and if you are really living your life to the fullest.     Are you really enjoying a “Balanced Life?”   It’s only here for a moment…. Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m a Pastor’s kid, have been in the church all my life and travel extensively across the nation and around the world.   I am behind a lectern or on a platform most of the time speaking to thousands of people. So if anyone knows about being spiritual, it’s me.   But today, I began to really think about my own life and what God really expects us to have. I came to the very quick conclusion -  It’s to live a "Balanced Life" and enjoy the "Life" He has given us, as well as, fulfilling our purpose.   We must “LEARN” how to do both! Today, I saw this picture and thoughts begin to echo through my mind.   The Picture says, “Don’t Wa

God Promotes In "HIS TIMING!"

Ladies and Gentlemen, This is Very Important and you must understand - God isn't as concerned about how Big your  ministry is, as He is concerned about how Big Your Heart is toward Him. Please do not misunderstand - God wants to promote you and expand your ministry - but He wants to make sure your heart is in Love with Him and seeking Him first. Many are trying to be the next MR. and Mrs. "HolyWood" with the lights and the stardom, But their HEART is far from God - Please come back to relationship first and GOD will be the one to build you and your ministry. Many have asked me, How did you do it? How did you go on TBN? How do you rub shoulders with Great Men and Women of God? Please hear me closely..... I did not promote myself. I did not ask to be on TBN. I did not run after people! God brought them to me and HE made it happen! When you Love Him First - He will give you the favor that is necessary, so that others find you, give to you and assis

Being Spiritually Sensitive to God Moments!

*Twelve:   The number of Divine Government and Apostolic rule.   It’s the epitome of consummate divine and human ruler-ship under creator God.   Twelve is the number of Gods covenanted ones in power and authority.   It’s the number of natural creatures holding spiritual power of the government in their hands. ~ The Prophetic Dictionary – Paula A. Price, PH.D.   12/12/12 Ladies and Gentlemen,  On 12/12/12 - We embarked on a moment in history that many will never see again and others will not see for another millennium!   We are experiencing an amazing shift in timing. If never before You “MUST” pay attention now! Your Destiny, as well as, receiving strategic revelation from the Kingdom of God, depends on your awareness to time, seasons and most importantly what God is saying in this “Moment.” Many individuals look at dates as just another day and do not recognize the “Moment.”   We must understand that God speaks in so many ways outside of the “BOX” – Beyond ou

The Power of Your Words

Ladies and Gentlemen, Proverbs 18:21 (KJV) 21. Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.   "Life, Destiny Harvests" are made daily by the words we say! The Words we speak are powerful and most people do not even realize the very words spoken "CREATE A LIFE HARVEST" the very moment they are made from our mouths to being released! According to Proverbs, The Power you have in your tongue as you create words from your mouth, will immediately begin to manifest into a "Harvest of Blessings or Cursing" by what is said! Our Words become seeds, as those seeds are released - they are then planted and produce our Harvest. You and I are living in this very moment of a "Season of Seeds" (Words and Actions) that we have planted. Many want to blame God or the devil - when the "Creator" of the "Current Season of Blessings or Curses" has been made by You and Me

Wisdom Nuggets for Seasonal "Kingdom Shifts"

Ladies and Gentlemen, Many have wondered and asked themselves and even God this question: Why have I been, or do I feel separated from individuals and even family that were so close to me before? Please understand this and it is not something your human mind can try to understand nor comprehend. It is a NEW Season God is bringing you into. In each New Season and Dimension of The Kingdom, God wi ll Sever relationships from your past, that CANNOT go with you into the Dimension God has for YOU alone. It isn't personal, it's just "Kingdom Business." Please DO NOT go back and try to reconnect with the very individuals God is or has severed - This can Hinder and will delay your "Forward Progression!" Thank God for the Wisdom Gained and Lessons Learned from those who were with you in this past season - But you must allow them to remain in your past season and God to continue directing your steps moving forward. Here is a "Wisdom Nugget&

No Limits!!!

Percieve "NO" Limits today! Aim High!! You can and You Will! Make a Determination within yourself to See what You've Never Seen - Go where You've Never Gone and Be what You've Never Been! See the Greatness in You that God has already released in YOU! I Believe in You, God Believes in You - Now "YOU" need to "Believe in Yourself!" Forget the Past - Only bring into your present the Wisdom gained for your tomorrow! Be Encouraged Today! You Can and You Will!! :) Brett Watson