The Time of Change and Rejoicing is Here!

 Sunday - 11:33 AM  03.06.22

Word of the Lord!

Do you hear it, Do You see it? Do you feel the change? Did I not say, I was doing a New thing? Have I not said, I shall cause it to spring up and come forth? Did I not say, I was bringing it forth? Shall ye not know it?

For behold I do a NEW thing and I Am doing it Now, says the Lord! The New is Here! I have taken you through a season of being dependent and Trusting in Me with all you heart. 

I say, Watch now, for as you have trusted Me and been faithful to Me, I will bless You as I have said. Oh yes, My Children My Promises are True! I have had to remove past mindsets and thought patterns from you in this last season to allow me to bring forth the new in and through you! 

This is a New Moment and I Am transitioning you into the New! All and more will be established for you and My Kingdom in this New Hour!

Yes, the calamities are great around you and reveal to you the shakings I have said I would bring forth, so the New could arise - And I Am doing just that. But this day, hear Me as I say to you - All that was sent to harm you, delay you, distract you and cause you to remain in a place of past hurts, and past defeats - I will now remove! 

I Am removing those who have decieved the masses with untruthful rhetoric, and  manipulation! Their plans of darkness and destruction I will end abruptly. I say, whatch now, for the Shift has come. My Plan and My Ways shall be established and All will know that I Am God.

For My Elect, and My Faithful Ones, Hear Me! I  will cause My Goodness to sweep over you Now! You have stood with great Faith and have done all and more that I have asked of you to do , without murmurring or complaining! You have stood when done all to stand, and I say I Am Pleased with You! 

The memories of past failures will be removed - Though the wisdom you have gained I will cause to remain! 

You will know of My Goodness and My Faithfulness in this hour and the seasons to come!  For what I do for you now, will cause you to run and shout, cry with Joyful Praise unto Me with all of your hearts!

For I am bringing a Great Recompense and Payback for all and more that the enemy has done! The assignments of hell against you and My Church have failed, but I will cause him to pay back all he has taken from you! I Am reversing All he has done! For it is a Time Now for My Divine Reversals for you!

This is the time now of the repayment of all things! This is the time of Great Rewards! This is the hour that you will know of your Father's Love for you and the True Plans I have for you! 

Oh I say, Rejoice and Give Me Praise! For Great is your reward! This is the Hour and season of Increase and the Fulfillment of all I Have Promised! Trust Me now as I transition you into the hour of Greatness in Me! 

Trust Me as I cause the heaviness to be removed from you and lift up your wings to fly, as the wings of eagles! I say it is your time to advancement and move into the Greater Assignments I have made for you and created you for!

I say, Yes! The change is here! The Time of Shifting and All things New, have now arrived! Get ready to fly with me as you soar into Geeater Dimensions and Elevations in Me!

Do not focus on what you see around you, or what you hear, but look to Me and watch as I shift all things! 

For I say to you this very day, The Time You have asked and dreamt of has now come, says your Father in Heaven, and I will release Bountiful Blessings to you, for your Faithfulness to Me!

What I give to you is for you! Because I love you! 

I will also reward you with much, so you can help me establish My Kingdom and bring forth the harvest of souls - But I say, I will reward You, so you and your family and your children and your children's children can rejoice in Me for generations to come! 

Yes they will also shout aloud, "Great Is The Faithfulness of Our God!"

Did I not say I would give you vineyards you didn't plant? Did I not say I would allow you to experience My Goodness in ways you have only dreamnt of?

Well I say, rejoice and again I say rejoice, for the hour of My Goodness is Now here for you! The times of refreshing are here!

I love you says the Lord!

Dr.Brett Watson 

Give into this Word of Change for Your own life! The Shift for The "Faithful Elect of The Father" is Here!

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