Understanding the root and Cause of the Attack
"Wow!! It never fails! 🎯🎯💯💯🙄🙄💥💥👊 A bit lengthy, but worth it. "Understanding the Root and Cause of the Attack!" Oh yes, the emails, messages and nasty remarks!
For those of you, including the titles "minister and preacher" - Manifesting (and needing deliverance) but not even seeing the fact that you have been used and activated by hell - While Screaming over the "Prophetic Words" of the Lord being different from those of your own theology, your spirit of racism, and your spirit of hate - You loath concerning those of us who are Awake and don't go along with your religious denominational traditions of men!
Let me help you understand what's happening tonight, because the religious spirit you oporate in, already knows what's going on.
As an Apostolic Ambassador of the Kingdom of Our Lord, I will address all of you now - Just as Jesus cast out the legion into the swine. He addressed them all at once! 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
You want the Truth? Read the Word of God! Everytime Jesus walked into a town, region, territory or place where people (and demons) gathered, the religious demons would always manifest and scream! They would mock him, slander him or oppose him in anyway they could - Even and most cases always using scripture. That's how you know when the "True Prophetic Plan and Word of God" is coming forth! Jesus is speaking!
To the spirit of religion and tradition - You know this already. The Kingdom and Father God's Paridigm is always way beyond your box of thinking and control. You hate it when Holy Spirit moves and you lose control! You have always done your best to try and conjure up some kind of religious doctrine to oppose the Word of the Lord!
But, yet again - You're too late! You always are! Father always speaks outside your box! He always torments you by speaking beyond your thinking processes and manifesting a Brilliant Plan, before you can stop it.
God will use someone like "President Donald J. Trump" to mess your theology up! Then you will say religious things like, "It doesn't matter who is President, God can use anyone!"
Let me teach right now! Because you know the truth, though the truth is not in you, I will say to you, "You are correct in that statement, because God is able to use whoever, whenever He wills!"
However, Father God is omnipotent and eternal, beyond anyone's mind, thought or control. So when you step into a "Prophetic Moment and Season" that has already been activated and spoken by God alone, for a "Specific Reason in that Season" - it is different.
Why? Because the Father is bound to "His Prophetic Word," that He Himself has given through His own Prophets, into the earth realm! He can not and will not lie! He released the Prophetic Decree for such a time as that. He is bound to making it manifest in "His Time."
So though He can use who ever He wills, the Prophetic Word He has released, must take place in the "Time He has Designated" and that Time is Now! Oh, and by the way - "His Favored David" is the one you despise!
His name is: "President, Donald J. Trump!"
You, nor the individual you are activating to speak through, have the capacity to even comprehend what God is doing, so you try your best to shut it down with "Theology or as has been stated a million times - The Fake News Media!"
You will use whoever you can to manipulate with deceptive means - Through hurt, lies, bitterness, racism, hate, jealousy etc. You will use the root issue to come in and deceive those individuals for one purpose only, to try and stop the "Purpose and Plan of the Father," because you hate him so much.
But I know your devices and more so, God knows your ways! This is nothing new. All the Pharaoh's, Pharisees', Saddusees' and demon theologies, were used when Jesus Himself walked the earth.
You used the religious, to crucify Jesus our King. But you didn't see then, like you don't see now! It was all a part of the Plan - And oh it was such a "Glorious Plan." You lost then, as you will lose again today!
What God is doing now, you hate! You see him moving, and Manifesting "His Will" that will set a people free from your bondage of mind control!
Oh Yes, Those of us who walk in the authority of Jesus and speak His Truth, know His Ways and you can't stand it! Haha. I laugh at you!
You have used the same tactics for thousands of generations! Nothing new here! I see you and I defy you in Jesus name!
I me tonight to silence you! Be Still in Jesus Name, you tormenting demon of religion and chaos. Shut Up and go back to hell! The "Remnant Chosen Elect of God" - Defy you and are Awake! We see what is going on, we know the thoughts of "Our God," and we are in intercession with "Our Father's Will" to be accomplished! We are in agreement with Heavens Agenda, being manifested in the earth Now!
The evil will be exposed! The illegitimate villan and administration will be removed and our True President will step up into his "Rightful Postion of Authority," given to him by God alone!
As for me and my house, we will continue to speak "Thus says the Lord!" We will continue to manifest "His Glory" outside your box, and we will continue to:
Defy the Defiant, Antagonize the devil and go tell it on the mountain that Jesus is Lord!!!
Dr. Brett Watson
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