New Beginnings Now Emerge!

Ladies and Gentlemen, At 2 AM Sunday Morning August 29, 2021 - God woke me up and began speaking the word below concerning the month of September. Here is the word in it's entirety and the video link as well to watch, as I released it at Emerge Life Church Sunday Morning. YouTube: "The Prophetic Word!" Episode 6 - With Dr. Brett Watson! "New Beginnings Now Emerge!" 8.29.21 2 AM For I say, "Think it not strange, as New Beginnings Now Emerge from the 8th month into the birthing and maturity month of 9. I shall cause everything to turn! You shall see favor on every side. Watch as My Hand shall come down and be placed upon all that you do and I shall cause there to be a swift change of Events, and a quick upward momentum to occur. The Month of Nine shall surely bring a major shift to all areas of your life. I will cause those things you have held dear and given to me to develop, to now come into maturity and gestation. The birt...