The Mantle of Maria Woodworth Etter


Prophetic Dream

12/25/21 4:30 AM

I entered a museum and was directed to the wall straight ahead of me. In front of me was a white dress in a framed glass box. On the box was the name "Maria Woodworth Etter."  As I looked - The frame opened up and the dress began to fall down and out of the glass that contained it.  I then heard the Voice of the Lord saying, "I'm releasing her mantle into the earth realm!

Instagram Accounts: My Glory is about to fall!  I will show My Glory and bring Great Signs and Wonders for those who will pay the price and walk in My Obedience!"  The Dream Ended!  🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

@Drbrettwatson @brettwatsonministries @voiceofdestinybrettandmarianne  @emergelifechurch  

#PropheticDream #WordOfTheLord #BrettWatson #BrettWatsonMinistries #Jesus #Glory #Jeremiah2911Life

Dr. Brett Watson


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