A Powerful Expedited Season of Advancement!"

 Ladies and Gentlemen,

I know you've heard it before, but By the Spirit of the Lord, I tell you again, and read this clearly:

This is the New Season where those who were with you and not of the Spirit of God that resides "IN" You, will leave you. The businesses you were involved in, that were not operating in "Kingdom Alignment" from the head, will disconnect from you or God Himself will shut it down!

The Father is realigning You Now in this Very Moment for what is about to manifest in your life! They can not go with you and God is not allowing you to associate with them any longer!! God will not allow "Dead Weight Sitters" to hold you down, stay in the position of the assigned men and women He has planned for your life - As well as, to hold you back any longer!

He is shifting All Things Concerning You Now! Be available and Obedient to do what He tells you to do, no matter what it is! No matter what the cost, no matter how your flesh shouts out at you, Don't Do it! 

Remember, when it is a "Life Changing Shift from the Lord," Everything He instructs you to do (in obedience to Him), will oppose the flesh and the normal daily movement and thought patterns you have been accustomed too!!!

Don't Miss Your Moment and New Beginning "Season of Monumental Change," because of your old ways and patterns of doing things!

Its Time to Shift,
Dr. Brett Watson 

"Word of the Lord" 2:15 PM September 1, 2021
"A Powerful Expedited Season of Advancement!"

For the Lord says, "I am Thrusting you forward into a "A Powerful Expedited Season of Advancement" Now! 

The shift has happened and will continue through the remaining part of this year! You will see what is dead, fall away and what is Alive, Increase and Thrive! 

Those who have said, thus and so, will be removed from your life Now, for they were not Truthful in their spoken words, but deceitful and manipulators to use you for their own gain and  then for others, to try and hold onto a dream they themselves were never going to support. 

It was too much effort for them and they were only along for the ride. But I have ended their journey with you NOW - Declares the Lord! 

For I have "Great Plans" for you and I will accomplish "My Word" concerning you. 

Rejoice, for You will see "True Destiny Helpers" come to assist you with the "New Vision and Expansion" I have for you. I will establish and manifest the "Helpers" to facilitate the Vision!

It is a "Great Time of Harvesting," says the Lord! "I Am" doing "A New Thing" and It shall "Now Spring Forth!" In the midst of calamity, and disaster, I will release "Great Glory" upon and around "My People!" You will walk in "My Divine Peace" and manifest the "Oil of Gladness and Comfort" to a world in fear and distress.

Trust Me NOW, Says The Lord! For Great is the New that You are Now in! It will manifest all around You and all will know "I Am The Lord!"

Advancement, Blessings, Increase, Health, Peace of Mind and Rest, shall be "My Faithfulness" to You that Remain in the "Rest of My Shadow and My Ways!" 

You are "My Faithful One's" and you will see "My Heart through My Hand," unto You - Beginning Now!

Watch, as September brings forth "Great Release" to You, but Watch - As it is yet but just the beginning of "My Rewards" and "The Multiplication" I have in store for You! 

"I Am" releasing "Great Outpourings and Magnificent Rewards" to "My Faithful" who have resisted quitting and throwing in the towel, but yet had Faith to continue Trusting with their steadfast Hope in Me!

You have been Faithful in the small, and Now watch as I increase and bring Much for you to rule and reign over in this 'New Season of Increase and Advancement!"

You will build, you will increase and advance Now in "My Kingdom Momentum and My Favor!"  It will be a "Revamping and a Realignment of All Things" that will take place! 

"Suddenly Breakthroughs and Torrential Downpours of My Goodness" will happen in Unexpected Moments,  Unexpected Places and through the least Unexpected People!!

Oh Yes, Get Ready!! You have been found Faithful and I will Bless You! For I can Trust You to use what I give You to build "My Legacy" in the earth! "I Am" equipping "My Faithful One's" with Great Tools to be used for the Harvest of Souls! Generations shall carry 'My Name," because of Your Faithfulness to do as I request of you.

So, Be ready - Be Steadfast and Unmoveable and Watch as I Bless You!! For, I find Joy in You, and I Love You, declares the Lord!"

In Agreement With the Father for the Shift Now,

Dr. Brett Watson
Intl. Conference Speaker/Pastor/CEO
Emerge Life Church
Brett Watson Ministries, Inc

Office Number: 954.302.7033

Mailing Address:
PO Box 561164
Rockledge, FL 32956


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