June Will Be A Sudden Boom, As The Flower Shall Bloom, But Will Bring Evil Doers To Their Doom!

 Ladies and Gentlemen, 

I was overcome with God's Presence and then these words from Him followed. I grabbed my cell and began to type as fast as He gave them to me at 10:10 PM. He urged me to post this Word for the month of June. 

**Note** In 31 Years of ministry and speaking the Prophetic Word of the Lord, He has never spoken through me as you are about to read in Rhymes. I will be in prayer as to get more understanding and meaning from this Word for June. This Word is Loaded and begins with Him speaking concerning our "Perception" and how we are to see with what is in front of us now in the natural realm.

God does not waste His Time or mine. When He speaks, I write or type it down as He says. I do Not add or Take Away! All Glory to Him alone!

Please be in prayer, and place yourself before Him to hear from Him strategically as He directs you for this Month and New Era of His Kingdom Purpose!

June's Word is as follows:

God said, "Do not stare and do not glare, for what you see is not truly there. June will be a sudden boom, as the flower shall bloom, but will bring evil doers to their doom soon.

For truly many will be in a state of gloom, in the month of June. But, My elect shall prosper hard, as I now shall shift the guard! 

Rely on Me, and no one else! Move Forward Now, You have passed the TEST!

Your God speaks Truth, no sooth sayer here - Watch I say, As I will expose all within This Year!

The reveal is Near - And panic will be Great, you will know I speak Truth, as You see the Great earthquake.

Truth be Told, I need My own to be BOLD, to stand and speak what they are told. Hold onto me dear and near and do not fear! 

Watch me build and build you will see, You will know the manifestation of My Promises - Have been given to you,  by no one else but Me!

Praise Me Now and do not give up, for now is your time that I will fill your cup! Full and overflowing Yes, You'll forget the past and all the mess. 

I will release Treasures and Blessings from My heart you'll see, there will be no mistake it all came from Me. Great is the rewards I'll give unto thee. 

Trust me Now, prepare and don't sweat, you'll know very soon it's not over yet. Lots to do and places to go, rest in Me and I will lead You, For You will know."

Dr. Brett Watson



  1. Beautiful words, all honour, glory, power, praise, reverence, adoration and worship belongs to God the Father, Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

  2. Praise be to God! For He alone is worthy!


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