Spiritual Response to the Mindset of Hate
Here is just one of the many hateful inbox messages I've received from Pastors who represent the democratic party. I would say I'm shocked, but I'm not.
I have removed her title and last name. I have also (as she requested) unfollowed her and then one step further (helped her not seeing anymore of my posts), by blocking her.
The remark was aimed at the picture and post I created that has the quote from our Vice President, concerning himself and our President being Pro-Life.
The Vice President said on 10/07/2020 and I quote:
"I couldn’t be more proud to serve as Vice President, to a President who stands without apology for the "Sanctity of Human Life" - I'm Pro-Life. I don't apologize for it!" Vice President - Mike Pence
I'm thankful that our President and Vice President have a Pro-Life agenda and have taken a stand for the unborn and the children to protect them from murder. Lets call it what it is, and the devil himself (unlike some pastors and their followers), knows it.
However, This is not a political response but rather a Spiritual one.
The distancing of "Kingdom of God Principles" has been replaced by the mindset of racism and hate today - Especially when it comes to a political party and agenda.
This is a foul demonic Spirit straight from the pits of hell. Those of us "AWAKE" understand and know this is the enemies doing.
As Christians, we need to send this hate back to hell. Satan is the source. He is the one who divides - But many today that say they are Christians are not and others who claim to be so, have no discernment whatsoever.
The enemy "Activates" these individuals to do his job for him, yes and even a pastor. Rather than immediately noting where the thought has come from - The person allows it to move from the mind (thinking zone) to their heart, allowing it to manifest out of their mouth, which then activates a stronghold of hate in their soul man. We must REJECT the Hate and allow Father God to renew our hearts, thus renewing our mindset and thinking processes!
Remember we are a triune being: Spirit, Soul and Body.
Scripture tells us plainly,
12. "We wrestle NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Ephesians 6:12-13
The problem is most today see flesh and think flesh - Rather than spiritually allowing their thinking process to be renewed by the Spirit of God on a daily basis.
So, because these individuals have already allowed the root of hate in their soul, only God can change their heart, which again in turn, creates a NEW MINDSET AND THINKING PROCESS.
The heart of America and the mindset of it's people needs to be completely shifted. This truly is a heart issue and only God can change it, when an individual allows God to do so.
This very statement inboxed to me, implies that myself and other conservatives are blind to what is happening to our black brothers and sisters. This is not the case. We see and we know. We pray for those who have been abused, murdered and unjustly targeted by those who truly are racist and oporate with the spirit of hate and murder.
In closing, my post with the Pro-Life quote from Vice President Pence had nothing to do with a racist remark towards anyone but the statement speaking of Life for the unborn. This is God's heart. He loves the children, the unborn and all life.
The very point that a hate filled remark was sent to me, solidifies, the heart and soul of this individual has been hurt, like so many and needs a change of heart mindset that only God can bring to them. I have never been racist and never will be.
What ever is in the heart and soul of an individual will consume that person.
Case in point - "Pastor, Christian brother and sister, let your heart be changed today by the only one who can do so. Ask Jesus to change you, so that you can see through His eyes differently, than with your present perception now."
May God change all of us - As He does, America will be the place of Hope and Dreams with a people who love each other again, rather than manifesting hate in every other thought or breath.
I Still Believe,
Dr. Brett Watson
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