Understanding the root and Cause of the Attack

"Wow!! It never fails! 🎯🎯💯💯🙄🙄💥💥👊 A bit lengthy, but worth it. "Understanding the Root and Cause of the Attack!" Oh yes, the emails, messages and nasty remarks! For those of you, including the titles "minister and preacher" - Manifesting (and needing deliverance) but not even seeing the fact that you have been used and activated by hell - While Screaming over the "Prophetic Words" of the Lord being different from those of your own theology, your spirit of racism, and your spirit of hate - You loath concerning those of us who are Awake and don't go along with your religious denominational traditions of men! Let me help you understand what's happening tonight, because the religious spirit you oporate in, already knows what's going on. As an Apostolic Ambassador of the Kingdom of Our Lord, I will address all of you now - Just as Jesus cast out the legion into the swine. He addressed them all at once! 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇...