Don't Let Them Take Your God-Given Dream!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am going to open my heart here and share as I have from time to time. My heart is pure in sharing this and the experiences I share are fact. I have received healing from the Lord concerning them - Yet it is important to share, so that you are aware in moving into your "Jeremiah 29:11 - Destiny!"
Please understand that this is to help you be the "Best You can be for Christ and to strive in Excellence," no matter what comes your way and how people treat you, as well as, who to attach yourself to and who to run away from!
In all I do – I try to encourage you and help you to experience “Your God Given Destiny!” Many of you have not experienced the ministry God has given to me. My “Global Assignment” is to: “Promote a Powerful Message of Purpose for a People of Promise – While Saving the Lost and Demonstrating the “Power of God in Manifestation” Wherever I Go!”
I have been faithful to do that – Even when others have not been faithful to me. People come and people go, including those who said they were your friends, yet when the "Tests of Life" got difficult - You look around to see that they are gone!
God has always been faithful and has called me - thus I answer to Him. I will take my last breath on planet earth fulfilling "His Assignment on my Life!"
I will not give up, I will not quit, nor will I give into man’s agenda and politics! I have learned a great deal in 24 years of full time ministry around the world, as well as, 43 years of "Life Experience" and while being a Pastor’s Kid!
I’m not boasting my own horn here – I am merely sharing that there is much more to me than a smile and being photogenic!
For those who do not know: I have had the distinct honor of holding crusades across the U.S and many countries around the world, as well as, having my own TV Program, being on Television Interviews and involved in International Media – I have spoken for some of the largest television networks including TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network), Churches and Venues in America, Nigeria, Africa and other countries around the world. I have shared platforms with some of the biggest names known in Christian circles - But NONE of that matters if I am not fulfilling “God’s Assignment” on my life to encourage and assist men and women to be all God wants them to be!
I have experienced so much in the last 24 years of ministry – The good, bad, beautiful - and the downright ugly! I have learned about “Holy – Wood” as well as, all those that are trying in their own power and ability to be the next “Big Name” with their own agenda – While making promises they don’t intend to keep and removing anyone that tries to get in their way. May I add - they are missing the mark completely!
There are leaders today that have great followings and give a "Dramatic Presentation" on their stages across America, yet though they have a name in the earth realm - they are not known in heaven (Take a moment to let that statement sink in)....
They water the gospel and have some of the largest "Seeker Friendly" churches and ministries - But they do not carry God's Power! It's just "Pomp and Circumstance" - Three Songs, a Goose bump and a watered down sermon! But in America today, that's all most people want anymore - they don't want the power and glory of God any longer! Why? Because it takes too much work (Prayer) and dedication!
Scripture tells us: "A man who builds his house upon the sand, will experience destruction when the waves come….
Matthew 7:24-27 (KJV)
24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
Friends, You cannot build a sky scraper on a faulty foundation. Your foundation must be founded and rooted on the Rock – Jesus!
In all that I have done or accomplished in my life, God opened the doors for me – I never tried to make my own name great. In all I do - it's to make His Name Great - JESUS! In fact, it’s through the process that I have become more broken and learned more than I wanted too about the true heart of men.
It’s been an “Extremely Painful Experience,” as much as, the highs of victory, which come from being obedient to Master Jesus! I have learned through "Life Experience" - beyond a Doctorate of Divinity and Theology, the wisdom I have today! I intend to share it with you.
Please take heart to what I am about to say, as this will help you NOT to have to learn some of the painful lessons I have:
I have learned in life that there are “Dream Makers, Dream Promoters - then there are Dream Breakers, Promise Breakers and Drama Makers!” You always know who they are by the fruit they bare.
Let’s talk about the bad guys first and we will end with the good guys on the upbeat, ok?
1. “Dream Breakers and Drama Makers” work together to squash your Dream! There will always be those that think their assignment is to be God's detectives, when it's nothing more than the enemy using them to cause you and others surrounding you a “Dramatic Presentation” which takes your eyes off the prize before you and brings everyone’s attention to the negative.
Their goal is to try and embarrass you and squash your hope of the "Dream" God Promised you, as well as, limit your credibility. Remove yourself from these people! They are not good for you! They constantly challenge you – not for good, but to constantly question your faith and bring you fear and doubt!
2. "Promise Breakers" are individuals that constantly talk smack! They can't get enough of themselves and are big talkers and mostly liars! They never intend to fulfill their promise to you -Because frankly, it’s all about them. In fact, they can’t even see anyone else but themselves. They make vows and promise you the moon and yet you don’t even get a rock. Again, ask God for discernment to realize who they are and remove yourself from them! “Do not give them one more moment of Your Life, Time or Energy!” They do not intend to help you!
3. "Dream Breakers" have one assignment! Their assignment is to take you out, however they can scheme it and deem it possible! They will lie on you; taking advantage of you with no remorse! They honestly would rather you be dead than alive. They are pawns of the enemy to do their best in destroying your assignment!
Some of these above mentioned even come with titles (in religious circles) with their own agenda - Example: I have been invited to speak, just to be Prostituted and abused, while being used as “Eye – Candy” for Man’s Agenda and Religious Meetings.
*(For some, this may not hit home with you, but for others that have experienced this - You understand).
They Promise you they will take care of all the requirements to have you come in and treat you the way you should be treated as a Kingdom Blessing to the Body of Christ. They speak things like: "I believe the integrity of the Kingdom of God needs to be brought back between brothers and sister in Christ in the business aspect of the Church!" So, you go there on their word - only to be Raped Spiritually, Financially and Otherwise!
These same people use your gifts and anointing upon your life for their own agenda and then talk about you behind your back after you’re gone. It was never intended to build you up, but to use you for their own selfish gain and then throw you away like a piece of trash. God help these arrogant, self –absorbing vipers!
I have come to the realization, there is enough to deal with on a daily basis in life, then to be distracted by those who do not even have the capacity to understand you or the “Jeremiah 29:11 - Dream and Destiny” that God has for you! These individuals are not for you. They are jealous of you as King Saul was with David!
There are many who want to accuse others to hide their own sins. It’s easier to blame someone else! To the accusers - Stop pointing fingers at everyone else to appease your own sins and failures! Jesus Himself said, “To he/she who has no sin – cast the first stone!”
But when they persisted in asking Him, He straightened up, and said to them, "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." John 8:7
We have all failed - Every single one of us! There is NOT ONE PERSON on planet earth that hasn’t sinned, failed or messed up at some point in their life! The only perfect one is Jesus!
Listen, if you fail, get back up again! You are a True Champion and True Champions GET UP AGAIN! Shake off the dust, put your head back up and move forward!
4. "Dream Makers and Dream Promoters" Love to help others achieve! They want to leave a legacy in the earth realm of men and women who they have helped to accomplish Master Jesus’ Dream! They will assist financially to see the Dream Accomplished; they will take their own time and resources to help you achieve wisdom and the ingredient necessary to accomplish your assignment! Their own goal is the Kingdom of God agenda! They join hands with others to help them succeed. No task is too great or too small.
In closing, friends we are in this together. Join your heart with men and women of Destiny! Surround yourself with people who will encourage Your “Dream” and assist you in accomplishing it. You must be with people who celebrate you, not tolerate you!
I hope this has helped you. You MUST guard and protect Your Dream! Associate with LIKE-MINDED Individuals who understand Destiny and Purpose! This word is for many of you pursuing your God Given Dreams! When you catch hell don't hold it, when you go through hell don't stop! Go Ahead, Go Ahead!
Progression is your "Key" to Possession! Move forward and do not allow negative people, past failures or defeats into your "NOW" moment!! The wisdom gained through each situation or circumstance will give you insight into the “Assignment” God has for your life!
You are not a Failure, you are not a Quitter, but you are a Champion elected by God alone!
He has AMAZING plans established for your life! I Love you and I am here to help you!
“Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for
the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail
thee, nor forsake thee.” —Deuteronomy 31:6
Much Love and Blessings Always,
Dr. Brett Watson
*PS. For those of you just getting to know who I am, please visit: and then click on About US / History and Spiritual Heritage.
Also, I am constantly uploading new videos to encourage and edify your Christian Walk and Destiny Pursuit. Please visit my “BWM TV Network” often to watch Music, Teaching, Preaching and Program Videos from TBN that will help you.
Much Love and Blessings Always,
Dr. Brett Watson
*PS. For those of you just getting to know who I am, please visit: and then click on About US / History and Spiritual Heritage.
Also, I am constantly uploading new videos to encourage and edify your Christian Walk and Destiny Pursuit. Please visit my “BWM TV Network” often to watch Music, Teaching, Preaching and Program Videos from TBN that will help you.
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