"Don't Walk - Dance!"

*Before I begin, I must tell you this Blog is a thought provoking one. It is not intended to offend anyone, but cause you to think about your life, how you speak and if you are really living your life to the fullest. Are you really enjoying a “Balanced Life?” It’s only here for a moment…. Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m a Pastor’s kid, have been in the church all my life and travel extensively across the nation and around the world. I am behind a lectern or on a platform most of the time speaking to thousands of people. So if anyone knows about being spiritual, it’s me. But today, I began to really think about my own life and what God really expects us to have. I came to the very quick conclusion - It’s to live a "Balanced Life" and enjoy the "Life" He has given us, as well as, fulfilling our purpose. We must “LEARN” how to do both! Today, I saw this picture and thoughts begin to echo through my mind. ...