Preparation for "OUR" New Season - We MUST Forgive!"
Friends, Partners and Family,
I greet you today with Excitement! If ever I have sensed a shifting, advancement and changing of seasons in our lives and ministry, as well as, for the Kingdom of God - I sense it now! God is getting ready to show up, show out and push His weight around as only He knows how! I have prepared a short letter from my heart to yours and I’m going to be transparent with you.
I have had a very strong stirring and word from the Lord in the last few days! As He has shared with Me, I believe we as the Kingdom of God are embarking NOW upon a NEW Season of Increased Glory, Manifestations and Divine Expansion!
1. The action of making ready or being made ready for use.
2. Something done to get ready for an event or undertaking.
In order for us to make preparation for this new season of expansion and increase, it is important for you and I to make sure our hearts are pure. Today, I want to challenge and encourage all of "US" to release to the Lord anything in our hearts that would hinder in anyway, what God wants to do in and through our lives.
What many do not realize is, God waits on us (in moments like this) to release to Him all in our hearts that would hinder Him from advancing us and the assignment He has for us.
As for me, I have never been one to ask anyone to do something that I am not willing to do myself. I have spent the last few days in prayer and have asked God to heal, and mend any hurts I might have from any situation or individual that wronged me, to release any bitterness or resentment I have had toward anyone and to forgive and release anything in my heart that would not be pleasing to Him.
What many do not realize is, God waits on us (in moments like this) to release to Him all in our hearts that would hinder Him from advancing us and the assignment He has for us.
As for me, I have never been one to ask anyone to do something that I am not willing to do myself. I have spent the last few days in prayer and have asked God to heal, and mend any hurts I might have from any situation or individual that wronged me, to release any bitterness or resentment I have had toward anyone and to forgive and release anything in my heart that would not be pleasing to Him.
As for all of you reading this, I also ask your forgiveness of anything I have said on a post, in present or previous, that may have offended you in anyway. Sometimes typed words can be missunderstood or taken the wrong way and so I want to make sure that there is nothing the enemy could use to hinder the advancement of any of us moving forward. I want God to see our hearts today and to be pleased with "ALL" of us!
(A little Humor Here) - You know they say, "A Real man wears pink!" :)
I also believe a "Real Man" is not afraid to cry, pour his heart out before the Lord and ask forgiveness, or seek God for wisdom and counsel. A "Real Man" is NOT Proud and Prideful before the Lord, but Humbles himself. I believe this is why God said, "David has a heart after me." David was a man after God's heart and though he made mistakes, as we all do, he was quick to go before the Lord and make things right.
In closing, I believe in order for God to advance us, open doors and increase us, there must always be preparation on our parts ahead of time. I am referring to preparing our hearts before the Lord and standing pure before Him. I have done this and I encourage you to do the same.
Let's prepare our hearts and minds now, for what God is about to do in our Next, New "NOW MOMENT!"
ISAIAH 43:18,19
18 "Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. 19. Behold, I will do a new thing; Now shall it spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."
Get ready my friends! As we do our part in preparation, God will do His! I'm excited about all God is going to do and you should too! I love all of you and am praying for you!
Blessings to you and your families, today and always!
Brett Watson
CEO / Founder
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*PS - In preparation for this New Moment and Season in your lives and Ministries, please prayerfully consider sowing a very special seed offering today. God is always moved by our faith and trust in Him. When ever King David went before God to make things right with Him, David would always take an offering to God as well. Your seed that you sow today, combined with your humble heart will bring the Blessings of God toward you! I encourage you to sow your "Best" seed today and see what God does as you "Prove Him!" I bless you in Jesus Matchless Name and speak Increase and favor over you and your families for your NEW SEASON NOW!
To sow your "Very Special Seed Offering" and watch God Bring forth an Amazing Harvest, Go to:
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