God's Choice & The New Awakening!
Word of the Lord:
For the Spirit of the Lord says:
"You have entered into A NEW ERA! The Jewish Calendar Year of 5781. The Year 2021 will bring Great manifestations and Spiritual Awakenings, says the Lord! I will cause great signs and wonders to be released across America and around the world.
My "Trumpet" has stood with Israel, joined hearts in celebrating My people and moved the embassy to Jerusalem - The Capital of Israel. He has joined with My heart to stand for Life and stand with My Church, allowing My Voice to Speak Loudly. Because of his covenant he has made with Me, I will do Many Exploits Now, in the New Year and the many Years to come.
Hear Me this day - According to My Word - I will bring a Spiritual Shift of Blessings for himself, his family and My Own in America because of it.
Great Vindication in this hour is coming to those who have withstood the last season of warfare and intense trials! President Trump, as well as, those who have stood beside him in prayer and intercession (holding his arms up), while covering him during the extreme battle and warfare from the enemy, will see great favor and vindication starting Now into this New Awakening Era of America and My Kingdom.
You must understand says the Lord, the choice you make in regards to the Presidential Election, will cause a shift in America for "My Will" to become established.
The Destiny of millions are in your hands, with the decision you make declares the Lord. The destinies of the unborn are waiting for "My Will" to be established through My Trumpet! For I have always and will continue to Declare, "Life and Life More Abundantly!"
Have I not said for you to ask me for the nations as your inheritance? For I have placed great weight upon the decisions that America makes - As goes America, goes the world. Choose wisely and come into agreement with Me and "My Choice!"
I have made "My Decision" says the Lord. I have chosen Donald Trump and will lift him up. His heart is with me. He will have a "DRAMATIC HEART CHANGE" and will become even more focussed on Me, for have I not said, "I will cause the White House to become a Lighthouse?"
I will bring a huge shift, unveiling, and exposing with a huge cleansing of the legislative and judicial branches of the government. Watch in Awe as the Senate and the House shall be cleansed and then another healing will take place in America.
I have dispatched Millions of waring angels to stand beside My Trumpet and those who stand with Me, to do battle against my enemies and to bring justice and a leveling of the chaos you have witnessed.
Over the next four years, I will cause major paradigm shifts to occur. The Supreme Court will make the decision to end the blood shed of My little ones and this will cause the curse to be broken in America and a major release of "My Glory" to sweep acrossed this land.
The enemy has done his best to come against My Plan and Agenda by speaking through the media outlets in America. Watch as I will bring a "Cease and Desist Order," silencing this demonic agenda.
The mouth of the enemy through media networks will be shifted! There will be a supernatural silencing in the media outlets causing the "Voice of Your God" to speak what I want to say, says the Lord.
Look to Me and close your ears to all opposing voices that would bring fear and distraction from "My Way, My Will and My Plan." You have not been given the spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind.
All that you have witnessed and experienced in 2020 will dissipate. I will cause it to be swept away with a new horizon of Destiny, Purpose and Total Victory says the Lord! I will Restore ALL!"
Rejoice with Me, Zion - For the Lord Your God is moving for You! You will Now experience the Best Life in Me, as well as, see with Your own eyes the Greatest Harvesting of Souls for My Kingdom!
Rejoice, as You are crossing over into "Greater!" This "New Era" will be known as the "Great Awakening" with Great manifistation of Prosperity to My People!"
Rejoicing With You,
Dr. Brett Watson
Intl. Conference Speaker/Pastor/CEO
Video Links:
1. Promotional video with a few TBN Praise International programs clips from Atlanta.
2. 1991 "Supernatural God Encounter" Video.
3. First TBN Atlanta Interview - Bishop John Frances and Brett Watson Video
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