Word of The Lord & Prayer of Declaration!



Ladies and Gentlemen,

Under the direction of the Lord in prayer - Father God has given me a prayer below, for all of us to pray aloud in agreement and syncopation with His agenda! 🙏🙏

We are going to Win! We have arrived into the "Breaking Forth Advancing Season of the Lord!"

As I prepared to follow His leading with posting the prayer, He then began to speak. Here is the "Word of the Lord," with the prayer of agreement underneath.


Word of The Lord:

Father God said,

"Watch NOW, as Major Victories begin to take place for You says the Lord. I am advancing my remnant people into the PROMISED LAND! You are shifting Now into Your Destiny Positioning, with Victory after Victory!!!!

Hear Me as I speak, I shall promote the faithful who have stood with Me and My Principles and Standards!  Those who have held Me close to their hearts, crying out to me believing - In spite of all that has surrounded them for My Promises, they will Now see the fulfillment of those Promises!  

This is the Day of "Shifting and Transitioning" into the Greatest Hours of Blessing and Promises Fulfilled!

The previous seasons of opposition and warfare have caused My people to reach deep into a "New Dimension of Violent Faith!" I will use all of this for Your Good! Many will NOW experience the launching and others their relaunching moments into their Greatest Victories!

I require My own to continue in a "Watchman on the Wall" position of Declaration and State of Prayer, for My Will to be completed. My hand is moving! Pray! 

Pray for Your President and those who surround him. Trust Me in this, as I have a Victorious Plan and it will be completed! 

Advancements and Breakthroughs shall begin to take place! The present shaking has caused an upheaval of those things hidden, and there shall be more to come - Exposure and hidden agendas shall be revealed in the coming weeks and months, so that My Will can be accomplished! 

The enemy would wish to use his tactics and agenda to divide and conquer, but I will use this shaking to bring about a turn of events! Oh, do I have a plan!  The strategies and traps of the evil doers will be caught and exposed in their own devices. Their secret meetings and whispers in darkness, shall be exposed! 

Watch and see how I will turn it all around for your good says the Lord!

I am requiring You to be Awake! Awaken spiritually in Me, with your eyes open, so that I can use you! Much of what you see is not as it seems! I say, Arise and become watchful in preparation as the events and happenings are revealed before the end of this year. 

I say, prepare for exposure! Watch as I shall demote those in high places who have had evil agendas politically. Those who have had their hand joined with the evil one in secret, I will destroy their agendas and bring them down. Those who have attempted to come against My Chosen One - Your President, I will expose them and bring them down. 

Heed My Words this day - I will not be mocked! Watch and see as I unseat many and expose their evil works. 

I am Moving says the Lord! Watch as I do the same with those in My House, as they have proclaimed their stance with Me, yet being far from me, having their own hidden agendas to advance themselves, not My Kingdom. They shall fall in this season. Have I not said, I will judge those in the House of God first?

Yes, My righteousness will prevail! I'm changing the positioning of America back to the Foundational Principles that I established - There is a Kingdom Standard! I am Shifting it back, says the Lord.

The hearts of men and women will call after me! As they call, I will answer! It is time for the harvest! It is time for the souls of men to be won! I will release wave upon wave of My Glory! They will hear and answer, and run to "My Mercy Seat!"

You are going to see the shift from the spiritual to the natural, before your very eyes! 

I the Lord am breaking off you this day the chains and strongholds that have bound you, holding you back from advancing into Greater Glory! I say, My Remnant will NOW advance into "New Realms and Dimensions of My Glory in the hour!

In this "Release of My Breath," I will also give you great resources to be used for the positioning and establishment of your families present and for generations to come. For as My word declares, "As you obey my commands, I will Bless you, your family, your children, your business and all that you put your hands to!  Deuteronomy 28 - Now is the Time!"

All this is for My Faithful One's for the Advancing of My Kingdom! 

Prepare your hearts and get ready for the Season of Suddenlies! I will lavish My Love upon My Faithful Ones. Choose to watch and listen as I show you wonders in heaven above and in earth below. Signs and Wonders, Healings and the release of Supernatural Miracles and Movings of My Spirit will be made manifest in this hour. 

This New Season will be known as "The Season of Awe" - For I will bring a "Holy Reverence of My Divine Presence!" There will be a sense of Awe in the hearts of My People for what I have done and will continue to do.

I will speak, you will hear and obey, seeing My hand Move! The Release is Now Upon You!!! Get Ready!!!! 

Stay in a constant Spirit of prayer. Be sensitive to My Spirit and do as I speak to you. There is much happening now and much more to come. Be watchful in preparation and get ready!

You are Now in the "Hour of Entrance" into "All Things New!" Great is Your Reward, says the Lord!" 🔥🔥🔥


Declare Outloud this Prayer of Repentance and Agreement:

"Today in the Name of Jesus, I come before You Father God to ask Your forgiveness over my life concerning anything I have said, done, imagined or acted upon that would cause me to not be in rightful positioning with you. I ask You now, to cover me with Your Precious Blood this Day and see me now pure before You. 

As a Servant and Ambassador Father God, I Declare and Decree - This "Written Declaration" shall become a "Cease and Desist Order" against the plans and purposes of the enemy concerning every TRUE man and woman of God, that serves Our Lord and Savior - JESUS!

Today, I Forcefully Declare the Advancement against the hellish agenda currently trying to bring disruptions and chaos in America. I take My rightful authority in Christ Jesus to operate in the supernatural realm. I speak authoritively now to the Warring Angelic remnant of the Most High God and therefore declare, They be dispatched from the Throne room of God to take their rightful places in strategic positions -  To bring down the plans and purposes of the enemy and establish the plans and purposes of our God!

I speak a cease and disist order against the legion of demons and principalities activating and influencing individuals and leaders in and out of political parties, who have joined their hands with the darkness, by their choice, as they have associated themselves with the killing and aborting of innocent children in and out of the Womb! I ask Your forgiveness now for America and repent on behalf of America for the killing and abortions of Your precious children and their destiny's.

Today, I speak forcefully against the plans and purposes of the enemy, strategies and assignments from hell to disrupt and delay the "Will of God" in this New Season for Myself, My Family, Business and My Ministry. 

I break, crush and destroy, dismantling every satanic assignment or plot against My Life, Family Business and Ministry Now in Jesus Name! 

I break off of myself, family, business and ministry any and all forms of whichcraft in the Mighty Name of Jesus!

I Lift up before You, Bless and Protect our President - Donald J. Trump, his family, and those surrounding him with the Blood of Jesus! I Declare Protection, Wisdom and Kingdom Strategies, according to your Word over him and all of those in authority - In Ministry and in governmental positions - Again in accordance to Your Word - As we are charged to pray for those over us in authority, in Jesus Name! 

I speak Peace, Prosperity and Blessings over America and Your People Israel - As we are charged according to Your Word to do so!  

Hear me this day Father God, as I am Now in agreement with Your Word! NOW therefore, I receive Your "Commanded Blessings" Over Me, My Family, Business, Ministry and all the works of my hand, in Jesus Name!

I Declare the "Manifestation of Blessings and  Paridigm Shift" for the Forward Advancement of "The Kingdom of God's Agenda!"

I renounce every work of darkness and cancel every word curse spoken against the people of God that are taking a positional stance for righteousness and God's Rule of Law in the earth realm! 

I declare and decree this day the "Blood of Jesus Covering" over the remnant of the Most High God! Let Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be Done, in Earth as it is in Heaven Now, in Jesus Mighty Name!!"

I Decree and Declare Healing, Health, Blessings and Prosperity over You today and Always in Jesus Name,

Dr. Brett Watson

Video Links:

1. Promotional video with a few TBN Praise International programs clips from Atlanta. 

2. 1991 "Supernatural God Encounter" Video. 

3. TBN Atlanta Interview - Bishop John Frances and Brett Watson Video


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