The Birthing of Long Awaited Promises!

Word of the Lord - 8/28/19  - 2 AM

As I laid my head down and turned on instrumental music to listen and meditate upon the Lord, as I always do before I go to sleep;

Quickly, I heard The Spirit of the Lord say,

"Son - For even Now, I am Birthing Long Awaited Promises. 

The time of Manifestation and Release is Now Upon You! Prepare Your heart for New Promises, Fresh Visions, New Encounters of My Spirit and New Associations! 

I am doing a New Thing Now! You have stepped into the New and shall begin to Experience New Surroundings, New Sounds and experience the Fresh wind and Aroma of Advancement in Me. The scent of stagnancy will be no more! I Am bringing to You, All things New!

This Time will be known as New! Release the doubts, the fears and the memories that have captivated Your thoughts, paralyzing Your steps from advancing forward, keeping You in yesterday's memories and yesterday's limitations. 

Hear My Heart in this New Moment, says the Spirit of the Lord. I have prepared You for this Now Moment of Breakthrough and Advancement. 

I have seasoned You through the Valley of Faith. I have groomed You and Expanded You to recieve All that I have Promised and More in this New Era I am moving You into. 

Trust me now with Your steps, as You take them one after another - No longer paralyzed in fear or doubt - No longer chained by the past. 

You will walk now with focus and clarity and then begin running with great advancement. I will show You great and mighty things. I will reveal New to You as time is spent with Me. I require it of You, and it will be necessary, says the Lord. 

"New Strategies of Advancement" will I give to You in the "Secret Place." There will no longer be questions, or hesitation. I will give You the answers and equip You Now, for the long awaited Promises and Purpose I have shown You.

Rest in Me, as I propel You forward. It is not by Your own abilities or strength, but by My Spirit that I shall do these things. You will stand in amazement as I shift all things concerning You. Trust Me, Rest in Me and Know I Am Your Strength and the "Lifter of Your Head."

You are coming out of past experiences, past failures, past embarrassments and hurts into a Glorious New Season of Healing, Favor, Maturity and Momentum! The nay sayers will watch as I do this! They will observe as I place My Hand of Favor upon You and do Great Exploits through You. 

No More Delay, says the Lord. I will not be mocked. I will do it, Yes, I will do it - And all will look to Me, as I receive the Glory. 

I Am excited for You as I propel You forward Now! Praise Me and Get ready, for the "Hour" has Now come! Watch Me Move for You, says the Lord! I love You and have awaited this "Time of Advancement" for You." 

"It is Not By Might, Nor by Power,, but by My Spirit, Says the Lord!" Zech. 4:6

Dr. Brett Watson


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