Being Spiritually Sensitive...

As an Apostolic Ambassador carrying a "Breaker Anointing" to shake a territory loose from the chains of bondage - it never fails as I enter into a region, I receive Hate and Blessings all at once.  Even if it is to "Rest" rather than to "Minister!"

Rather than making this Long and lengthy - I lay here in bed at 2:30 am, with so many thoughts and a stirring in my Spirit. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, This is "NOT" a Company thing we call the Church - But a "Spiritual Entity with Spiritual Laws" - Including Angels and Demons!

For we wrestle NOT against Flesh and Blood but against principalities, spiritual wickidness.....rulers in high places....

Yet there are those who carry Titles and are in the Ministry for Fame and Glory and have not a clue about the Reality of Spiritual Things! If you carry a Title - You need to back it up with the manifestation of that office and Holy Spirit Fruit, as well as, the understanding and preparation in "Strategic Warfare!"

I chuckle at many who carry Titles and would not even "Percieve Spiritually" what I am about to share with you! The "Attacks and Blessings" go hand in hand with who you are in the "Kingdom of God" and are in NO WAY Coincidence or Happenstance!

I recently went to a region to Rest and Regroup from a VERY Hard Season the Ministry had Endured! Please understand, it was for Rest and not to minister.

Within only 2 days of being in that specific region, I received "Hate Mail" from someone I do not know or have ever spoken to before out of the blue.  The thing that gripped me was, the only individuals knowing of where we had gone - were a few close family members and God Almighty!

*Note:  The enemy watches you, as you Rest or Not - Especially when you have a "Kingdom Assignment" upon your life....

I received this Hate / Mocking Email from an individual I did not know, nor had spoken too before. What got my attention was, this individual was from the same region that I had gone to rest! Again, no one knew where we were except a few close family members, the Lord and of course, the Principality of that specific region. He had let me know, "I know you're in my region and territory and don't like it at all!"

This Principality had even used this indvidual to send me Hate Mail to let me know that it knew I was there!  See it is in these moments that we as men and women of God must be sensitive to what is happening around us and not be distracted by everything else that evolves around our flesh man.

Heaven had already sent me many Blessings "On Purpose!"
But when this took place, I also knew in that moment, hell had taken notice I was there in that specific region as well.

I'm not a "Spooky Spirituallist" - However, I am very sensitive spritually and in tune with the Kingdom enough to know what had taken place.

It's now 3:30 am so I will close with this: No matter who you are in the "Kingdom of God" - from the church goer to the Five Fold offices - The important thing is to "Know Who YOU Are" in God - but more importantly: "Who's YOU ARE!"

Become "Spiritually Sensitive" to your surroundings no matter where you are.  Understand that when you "TRULY" know who you are in God (More than a Title or Political Position), "Your" very presence in a Territory or Region will cause a manifestation.  It could be "Hate Mail" as I experienced, and/or "Many Blessings" as well.

None the Less - This is a definite sign, showing you that there is a shift happening in the "Spirit Realm."  Thus, through your "Sensitivity" and Prayer, in turn brings forth a "Powerful Manifestation" in the natural realm, for the "Kingdom of God's Advancement."

"Thoughts of Purpose" - for you to pray and think about.

Blessings Always,
Brett Watson

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