"I Am Turning The Tide & Bringing A Great Awakening!"

Ladies and Gentlemen, Please understand we are living in such a different moment in time today. The church MUST SHIFT!!! CHURCH AS USUAL IS OVER! "GOD IS MOVING AND OH SLEEPER, YOU MUST AWAKEN NOW!" GOD IS NOT IN THE COOKIE CUTTER MOLD! HE IS NOT RELIGIOUS! The Shift God is bringing to awaken the mindset of the church in the earth realm, thus changing the Paridigm in massive ways - Will be done with God using Major influencers in the world that will cause a major revolt against satan's "Liberal Left Agenda and Plot!" As I laid my head down to sleep, Father began speaking loudly. He is not sleeping! He is Moving! Word of the Lord 1:11 AM Friday September 17th, 2021. I hear the Lord Say, "Watch as I transform, revamp and shift all. I will use influencers that were trapped and in chains and give them a Saul to Paul Encounter with Me, declares the Lord!! Oh watch now, as My Plan will shift and expose and bring forth a change, as I operate beyond and outside...