The Shift of All Shifts - Look To July!

June 30, 2021 - 1AM - "Word of the Lord" " For You are about to see Me shift the whole Paridigm in a "Magnitude Shift" unlike anything You have ever seen, says the Lord. For as I said, "I would cause a Sudden Boom, have you not seen as the Flower has already began to bloom?" Pay attention and watch, keep your eyes clear, continue steadfast and unmoveable for My Spirit is so Near! Watch Now and on into July, Oh Give Me Praise, for Now is the Time to Rejoice and come out of the caves! Celebrations shall be experienced as July Fourth shall come with a Bang, The skies above and torrential rains! The Release of Blessings has Now Come!!!! For I will bring "Miraculous Miracles" - Those who've been in bondage, handicapped and bound by life event's, wheel chairs, financial woes, who have cried out to My Son, I Will Now break Free and they will begin to Run!!!! I am pouring out My Glory and All will see and Know, I Am the God of Miracles ...