
My Spiritual Heritage & Lineage

As scripture clearly states, "My people perish for lack of knowledge..." There are many today in the body of Christ who do not have an understanding of a SPIRITUAL MOTHER and/or FATHER. The Key Word here is "Spiritual." Of course, you must have an understanding of "Spiritual Things," in order to comprehend it, and Holy Spirit must help you to see - "Spiritually Speaking." There has been and always will be the need for and the assignment of "Spiritual Parents" in your life. I have given a short teaching concerning "Spiritual Heritage" and the importance of a "SPIRITUAL COVERING" for your life below.  Please ask "Holy Spirit" to help you understand as you read. The Definition of Heritage (Her•it•age): –noun 1. Something that comes or belongs to one by reason of birth; an inherited lot or portion: a national heritage of honor, pride, and courage. 2. Something reserved for one: th...

Are You The One?

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am sure - many of you might be wondering - "What is He doing in this Picture?" I’ll never forget an “Awakening” that I had that was inspired by the Hollywood movie – Matrix, in 1999.   Let me explain! When the first "Matrix" movie came out - I was dealing with a lot in my life! It was even to the point of giving up - Anyone ever been there?  I'll never forget the intense drawing I felt from the Lord to go see the movie! You might ask - "Really, God wanted you to see it?" My response to you, "Yes, He did!" :-) See God speaks to us through movies, billboards, nature, music and with His still small voice. Please hear me when I tell you - Never get so religious that you believe the only way God speaks to us is at church, a Prophet or through the "Word of God" - If you do, you have limited "Our Creator" to a small paradigm that He cannot operate in. God is too “Big” to be co...


Ladies and Gentlemen - Men and Women of "AME RI CA" and the “Kingdom of the Most-High God,” I come before you today with a "CLARION CALL!" Please understand, what you are about to read is NOT to be taken as a personal attack to any individual, race or group - But is "Kingdom Business."  NOW is the TIME, We MUST Stand for "God's Way" and uphold the "Kingdom of God's Standards! "  It is time to allow God's Holy Spirit to speak to us again! We CANNOT operate by our "FLESH SENSES" alone any longer.  We MUST be led of His Spirit and make "Kingdom Decisions" not by the color of our skin or the group we are associated with, but according to the "Standards of Heaven." I Bless you today and Pray God will "WAKE UP AMERICA" and the "People of God" in this "NOW MOMENT!" I have watched over the last several years as:   “OUR BELOVED FATHER GOD” and the “...