God's Choice & The New Awakening!

Word of the Lord: For the Spirit of the Lord says: "You have entered into A NEW ERA! The Jewish Calendar Year of 5781. The Year 2021 will bring Great manifestations and Spiritual Awakenings, says the Lord! I will cause great signs and wonders to be released across America and around the world. My "Trumpet" has stood with Israel, joined hearts in celebrating My people and moved the embassy to Jerusalem - The Capital of Israel. He has joined with My heart to stand for Life and stand with My Church, allowing My Voice to Speak Loudly. Because of his covenant he has made with Me, I will do Many Exploits Now, in the New Year and the many Years to come. Hear Me this day - According to My Word - I will bring a Spiritual Shift of Blessings for himself, his family and My Own in America because of it. Great Vindication in this hour is coming to those who have withstood the last season of warfare and intense trials! President Trump, as well as, those who have stood beside him in pr...