Being Spiritually Sensitive...
As an Apostolic Ambassador carrying a "Breaker Anointing" to shake a territory loose from the chains of bondage - it never fails as I enter into a region, I receive Hate and Blessings all at once. Even if it is to "Rest" rather than to "Minister!" Rather than making this Long and lengthy - I lay here in bed at 2:30 am, with so many thoughts and a stirring in my Spirit. Ladies and Gentlemen, This is "NOT" a Company thing we call the Church - But a "Spiritual Entity with Spiritual Laws" - Including Angels and Demons! For we wrestle NOT against Flesh and Blood but against principalities, spiritual wickidness.....rulers in high places.... Yet there are those who carry Titles and are in the Ministry for Fame and Glory and have not a clue about the Reality of Spiritual Things! If you carry a Title - You need to back it up with the manifestation of that office and Holy Spirit Fruit, as well as, the understanding and preparation in "...