Time is still a Necessity for True Maturity, Gestation and Development

Ladies and Gentlemen, 

God spoke this thought into me heavy this morning (07/21/2019). As I've observed many individuals and Ministries over time, I have come to the same conclusion over and over again - No one wants to "Wait" on God.

Let this sink into Your Spirit: God said, "Son though they build, "Time" is still a Necessity for True Maturity, Gestation and Development in Me and My Prophetic Plan for Their Lives!"

It is a necessity for "All Men and Women of God" to understand this - With today's ministry presentations through television, social media, pictures, and video, there is a "False Reality of True Spiritual Development."

Everyone is competing with the other because of what's reflected on television and social media, which brings a false narrative of: "I'm advancing more than the other, and God has increased this ministry," .....Yet - This still may not be true.

Please understand, as with the ages, still today, there is more "Time" needed for building a sky scraper than to build an office building or house. Yet, through media outlets today, the narrative produces a false reality of where the "True Building Phase and Project" is at currently. 

Everyone is wanting to be the next "STAR" in the Christian "HolyWood" - Being known by the right people and having all the media bells and whistles. Yet, the spirit man, character and maturity of that individual and ministry are still in great need of years of development - And still today, "No one" is willing to "Wait!"

Please be aware that "God's Timeline" takes longer than the world's time and God will not be mocked. Not all, but many of those who You see, that seem to have appeared over night, are just that..."Over Night Wonders" without the full development of Gods timing. They will ultimately miss the full gestated plan that Father God wanted to fulfill in their lives, because they had the "Ishmael Syndrome" - (I will help God out before my allotted time and "His Promise" arrives).

I'll never forget the Prophetic word I recieved in 2012 by Dr. Mark Chirona:

"Brett, You were born out of season, before your time, but God will strategically use the coming "Prophetic Paridigm" to usher in and align You with Your Purpose and Destiny. Wait on Him! God has given you glimpses of your "DIVINE Prophetic Future" many times in different seasons. You have accomplished much in short spans from Pastoring, television, international exposure, to associations of great men and women in Your life and yet, God continually puts the lid, so to speak, back on Your box and says, "Wait yet a little longer." There is no way, You could've derailed Your allotted path. This is Your destiny and You must "Wait on God." As it becomes "Time" - "ALL" of His Promises will manifest in "Father's Divine Plan" for Your Life!"

This word shook me to my core, and gave me revelation and insight which helped me to understand, though I want it now, I have to be discerning of the "Father's Timing" and Not Mine. Learning how to "Wait," can be exhausting - But the "End Manifestation of Divine Purpose," will be worth it.

Again, rather than rush the building of the House, wait on God so that You have All the ingredients necessary and the Character to match the "Call and Assignment" on your life.

My heart and prayer today is as always -  That You allow Your "Spiritual Vision and Ears" to receive this short, yet Timely and Important, Instructional Word from the Lord.

Pursuing Destiny With You,
Dr. Brett Watson 
**Please Note: "My Book "Wait" is in its final stages. Thank You for Your Patience - It's coming!"**

Instagram: @Drbrettwatson @BrettWatsonMinistries @EmergeLifeChurch

#Jeremiah2911Life  #Wait #LearningToWaitOnGod #BrettWatson #BrettWatsonMinistries #EmergeLifeChurch #Jesus #NewSeasons #YourTimeHengesOnGodsTiming


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